Customer Reel Guidelines

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The CustomerReel Project

Your animations edited into a great clip

Be a part of the FLIP Fluids addon CustomerReel

The CustomerReel project was launched for the first time in 2020. The result was an incredible number of entries. Since then, the project has grown and submissions can be made at any time. There are a few rules you will need to follow while producing your clips for the next reel.

Animation Guidelines

All simulations and animations must be your own and created using the FLIP Fluids addon
  • Video Resolution: Full-HD (1920 x 1080) or 4K (3840 x 2160), landscape or portrait

  • Video Frame Rate: 30 FPS

    • no variational framerate, must be a constant 30fps
  • Video Length: Max 10 seconds (300 frames)

  • Output Format: JPEG or PNG image sequence with consecutive numbering, packed into a ZIP archive

  • Give your image sequence a name that includes your artist-name and scene-name. As example: "dennis_oceanwaves_####.png"

  • Tip: you can test if your image sequence will be loaded correctly by importing into a video editing software. DaVinci Resolve is what we use for editing and Black Magic Design offers a free version for testing

  • Always make sure, that there are no missing frames. Otherwise we cannot use your animation

  • Animation content must be Safe For Work - no blood, gore, violence, or pornographic content

  • Please ensure that your submissions do not contain any recognizable brand logos or names; we recommend using fictitious brands or labels instead.

How to Submit Your Animation

We prefer the new submission form, which you can find here. Alternatively, you can email your animations to our reel-email adress
  • Upload your animation ZIP files to any online host and include the links to the submission-formular or email

  • Include your artist information so that you can be credited

  • It is clear that your animation will be published. If you also agree that we use your animation for paid advertising (which is expressly NOT a condition of participation), then include the following lines in your email to us:

    • "I consent to the full publication of my animation content as part of the FLIP Fluids Customer Reel project."

By participating, you consent to the full publication of your animation content as part of this project. And if you have additionally agreed, consent that your animation content may be used in paid advertising of the FLIP Fluids addon. There is no submission deadline 🙂

Your Artist Information

  • Artist Name: Your name, alias, or screen name
  • Links: These may be links to your portfolio, website, email, social media, etc. Please list your links that you would like to be displayed in order of priority. We will publish them on the CustomerReel site

    • When submitting links, provide full complete addresses (not just @username for social media channels)
  • Please let us know which renderer you used, or whether you have used a render farm

By participating, you agree that we may publish the information about you described above

Example: Artist Information

Artist Name: Dennis F.
Email: re***@ex*********.com

Link to animation:

Rendered using Cycles, on Polargrid Renderfarm
I consent to my information being published on the Reel´s site
I also allow you to use my submitted animations for paid advertising

CustomerReel FAQ

Yes, you will still own the rights of your submitted animations. We are not requesting exclusive rights to your submitted content. By submitting your content, you consent to the full publication of your animation content as part of the FLIP Fluids Customer Reel project and consent that your animation content may be used in paid advertising of the FLIP Fluids addon. It is not mandatory to agree to the publication for advertising purposes. Of course, we would still be happy to receive a confirmation. 

Yes, you can make up to three submissions.

You may also submit older animations that you have created, but our preference would be for newer creations that have not been publicly posted years ago. For participants of the Customer Reels, we will not accept re-submitted content and would take preference for something unique or different from what has been submitted before.

We cannot guarantee that your submission will make it into the final customer reel. Due to limited length, we will only be able to choose the best and highest quality submissions.

No, for highest quality, we are requiring that the animation is submitted as a JPEG or PNG sequence packed into a ZIP archive.

Yes, you can render your animation using a third-party renderer or software outside of Blender. We only require that your simulation is created using the FLIP Fluids addon.

If you have any questions, comments, or would like to discuss a qualifying submission, please send a message to reels[at] or use our contact form.