The two charts are based on the latest benchmarks from November 2023. While one chart shows the average performance score of various systems in direct comparison, the other shows a “normalized” version of the same benchmark scenes. In this, all graphics were scaled vertically to the same level, without losing the performance difference.
You can find the benchmark form and downloads further down on this page.
Welcome to our Benchmark Form
We kindly ask each participant to run the scene files without any modifications.
Please check your energy settings for maximum performance before baking. In some cases, PCs may start with an energy-saving setting, which can significantly reduce the performance of the simulation.
In some cases the performace can decrease when Blender runs in the background. Please use the CMD Baking Operator in the FLIP Fluids sidebar to prevent this.
We also ask you to use the following tools to read your system information and to transfer the values directly from there:
Please understand that in the result graph, only systems that have completed all benchmark scenes can be entered. This way we can create the best overview for you.