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FLIP Fluids Development Notes #29

Weekly Development Notes #29 – Customer Reel 2020: Coming Soon!

Ryan Guy 26. August 2020 0 Comments

Covering the week of August 17th – 21st, 2020.

Welcome to our 29th weekly development notes for the FLIP Fluids liquid simulation addon for Blender! Last week’s development mostly involved updating how the addon exports settings and mesh data to the simulation engine.

This will be a brief update as I will need to get to a doctors appointment after this post. It’s a bit of a more difficult process to get one during this darn pandemic!

Customer Reel 2020: Coming Soon!

I had a first look at the finished result, and oh my, I was absolutely blown away! I watched it many times in amazement at what you artists have created with the addon. It’s beautiful.

Dennis will be making some tweaks to the video and it should be ready in early September. We can’t wait for you to see it!

Updating the export cache

In an earlier post I had covered that we’re updating the way that the simulator exports settings and mesh data from the Blender scene to the simulation engine (See post here). We’re transitioning from storing the data in files to an SQLite database.

It’s my first time working with database programming and I am loving it! It’s feeling much more organised and manageable than before. Last week I had finalized the schema for the DB and implemented storing all of the data into the DB, so the Scene Data -> Database part is finished.

Next up is finishing the transfer of Database -> Simulation-Engine programming, which will be much simpler. Expect an update to the experimental builds next week (and likely bugs!).